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Shockwave Version

© Scrutiny Associates, 1995 (USA)


Tennessee Dixon works on collaborative and independent multimedia projects for publication, exhibition and performance. Her recent work involves live animation and the interaction/cooperation between environmental data, dance, music, moving imagery and text. Her latest project 'Able Flint - Abel Flint' is a performance piece about american surveying and missionary works; merging the personalities of the historical Abel Flint circa 1800 an American priest
and author of 'A Treatise on Geometry and Trigonometry', with the fictional character Able Flint an axman of a rational landscape.

She currently works as a freelance multimedia programmer/designer and teaches in the MFA Computer Art Dept at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. On occasion she lectures and presents her work in the US and Europe.
Tennessee's website :http://www.burningranch.net

Jim Gasperini, a multimedia artist and writer based in Berkeley Ca, has been creating interactive works - books and software - for over fourteen years.

He has designed interactive works for CD-ROM and the Web for various publishers in New York, California, Germany, and France. He has written extensively about interactive media, including reviews for Wired and a chapter on "Structural Ambiguity" in Bob Jacobsen's "Information Design" for MIT Press.

CD-ROM projects include :
- 'Hidden Agenda'-a dramatic simulation of Central American politics.
- 'Geronimo! Ones Woman's War' - celebrates the women of the Red Cross Clubmobile Service during World War II. http://www.clubmobile.org
- 'SimCity' - creative director on the third version of the city simulation game.
- Stereo Photography is his current artistic passion, rapidly evolving into his profession as well. www.cockeyedcreations.com

Jim's website: http://www.well.com/user/jimg/


- Salon - (review and interview by Scott Rosenberg)
- Hypertext Now (article by Mark Bernstein)
- Metamute - (review by Alex Butterworth)
- Entertainment Weekly - (review by John R. Quain)
- Wired - (review by Erik Davis)
- HotWired - (review by Ian Christie)
- DBC Medier - (review in Danish)
- This Accursored Existence - (article by Jim Gasperini at "Eloquent Interfaces")

South by Southwest Conference '99
NY Expo of Short Film and Video '98 and 96,
Governors Conference on Art and Technology, NY '98,
VideoFest Berlin '97,
Festival International du Film d'Art -Montreal Canada '97,
New York Video Festival '95,
Dutch Electronic Art Festival,
Videotheque de Paris-General Assembly of Multimedia Writing,
Museum of Contemporary Art -Sydney Australia,
Film Festival Rotterdam '96, Exploding Cinema -Netherlands

I-Magic '96, Arts and Letters
Grande Prix du Jury Milia d'Or '96
Macxibition '96, Best Interactive Work
New Voices, New Visions '94

Civilization -Kathy Brew 9/98, Newsweek -N'gai Croal/Jennifer Tanaka 12/8/95,
Mediamatic -Paul Groot '96, Washington Post -Craig Stoltz 2/96, Wired -Erik Davis 12/96,
ID Magazine -David Comberg 4/96, World Art -Jim Metzner 2/96, Nov'Art -Cherise Fong 2/96,
Independent Sun UK -Marek Kohn 5/96, Publishing UK 4/96, Entertainment Weekly -John R. Quain 1/96,
Le Monde -Stephanie Malfettes 2/7/96, Interactivity - Jim Aiken 10/96, CD-ROM,
Paper -Bernard Yee 1/96, Print Collector's Newsletter -Nancy Princenthal 4/96,
UK - Rachel Harrison 4/96, Detroit FreePress -David Crumm 1/96,
National Public Radio -John McChesney 2/96
HypertextNow -Mark Berstein '99, Rhizome '99, Pseudo Radio '97, C/Net Feb/96, HotWired Jan/96,
Salon Dec/95, Glow Nov/95, Nuke Dec/95, ITP Review Nov/95
'Digital Art': Christiane Paul - Thames and Hudson World of Art '03.
'The Digital Designer:The Graphics Artist's Guide to New Media' -
Stephan Heller/Daniel Drennan - Watson-Guptill Publications '97
'Multimedia Graphics:The Best of Global Hyper Design' -
Willem Velthoven and Jorinda Seijdel - Chronicle Books '96.


Notes en anglais

ScruTiny in the Great Round is a lyrical work on CD-ROM based on the collaged imagery in the limited edition art book by Tennessee Dixon. The work consists of two parallel series of twelve two-dimensional tableaux, each stage of life presented according to both male and female principles Each interactive scene is a painted and animated landscape embedded with symbols, artifacts, poetry and sounds from cultures and religions around the world. With a dream-like sensibility the story follows the encounters of a man and woman, each portrayed in various guises and transformations, enduring the dramas of sex, marriage, birth and the mystery between the body and spirit.

"I found myself erupting into goosebumps. While any great painting or song or story can bypass the brain and produce such personal, emotional, even transforming reactions, I find it remarkable that the creators have managed to do so using the puny, primitive and largely unaccomplished CD-ROM. It's as if Gutenberg, a couple years into the printing trade, suddenly managed to crank out a copy of "The Wasteland."--Craig Stoltz, Washington Post

ScruTiny in the Great Round the illustrated book was made in an edition of 22 books published by Granary Books '93. The pages are handworked washed and treated richly detailed prints each with collaged and painted elements. The book is 8x10 inches, hard cover, accordion fold, bound by Wide Awake Garage.

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