• Fill in the order form and send it by email.

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• Your copy of Liquidation will be sent by snail mail along with the bill.

• You agree to return a cheque or a postal order upon the reception of the CD-Rom.

French original version
with English sub-titles
Macintosh ™ or Windows™

Price in Canada: 30 $ CAN


Also available in Montreal at the following bookstores :
Olivieri-Museum and Zone Libre

A random photonovel on CD-ROM

In the midst on a baroque city that endlessly liquidates, follow TOPO Agency's investigation in LIQUIDATION, a multimedia fiction by author Michel Lefebvre and photographer Eva Quintas.

Over twenty actors appear in front of the inquisitive eyes of TOPO's detective. Close to 1800 photographs, 4 hour of soundtrack and original music make of the CD-ROM LIQUIDATION a continuous film of surprises and parody.



Script & Direction : Michel Lefebvre, writer, and Eva Quintas, photographer
Software : Alain Bergeron - Produits logiques LopLop inc.
Music : Papa Boa, Martin Tétreault, Choir Mrutra Mertsi


A scientific formula, which was to liquidate world debt, has been stolen from Ricard Enterprises ! Thus begins the story of Liquidation, a plurimedia work. The title is also the theme of this photo romance that casts both a critical and playful eye on our lives and cities, where endless accumulation leads to endless liquidation. After having completed a printed version in 1995 and a web-radio version of this work in 1998 the authors now present a CD-Rom version of this random fiction.

PRoman, a custom software designed by Alain Bergeron, uses combinatorial functions to randomly choose photos, display effects, text and sound according to the viewing duration choosen by the user (20 to 120 minutes). Although the inteface allows for a sequential viewing, the CD-Rom version of Liquidation can be best likened to a film that changes every time it is seen.


- Special Mention, Multimedia International Möbius Award, november 2001
- Möbius Québec-Canada Award, Fiction Category, October 2000

- Special Mention, Canarias MediaFest, New Narrative Approches, October 2000
- Telefilm Canada Award, Best Canadian Work, New Media Category, FCMM, October 1999.



Territoires extrêmes de la poésie, Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Montreal, May 2001
Vidéoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, (France), March 2001
Canarias MediaFest, Gran Canaria Video and Multimedi International (Spain), October 2000
FILE - International Electronic Language Festival - Sao Paulo (Brazil), August 2000
Video Lisboa-Romerias, Lisboa (Portugal), April 2000
Images du nouveau monde, Québec, (Canada), March 2000
Festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême (France), January 2000
3e États généraux de l'écriture interactive, Forum des images, Paris, November 1999
Canadian Currents, Goethe Institute, Toronto, (Canada), November 1999
• Festival du nouveau cinéma et des nouveaux médias de Montréal (FCMM), October 1999.

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