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Michelle Citron is an award-winning media artist whose work includes Daughter Rite (film) and As American As Apple Pie and Cocktails Appetizers (CD-ROMs) She has received grants from the NEA, NEH and IAC. Her work has been shown at the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney, MCA/Chicago, as well as the New Directors, Berlin, London, and Viper film and media festivals. She is the author of the book Home Movies and Other Necessary Fictions. She is a Professor in the Department of Radio/Television/Film at Northwestern University.

Festivals & Exhibitions:
Version >02: Digitalartsconvergence, Museum of Contemporary Arts/Chicago 2002
SeNef, Seoul Net Festival, Seoul Korea 2002
London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival 2001
GiG 2.0, Center Portion Gallery, Chicago 2000
Viper International Festival of Film/Video/New Media, Basel, Switzerland 2000
Zoie Online Film Festival, 1st Prize best experimental work 2000
Outfest, Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Film Festival 2000
Dallas Videofest 2000
Intermedia Arts, Mpls 2000
Art in Motion Festival 2000
MIX, NYC Gay and Lesbian Experimental Festival 1999
Mill Valley Film Festival 1999

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