A Is for Apple

CD-ROM interactif par David Clark
en collaboration avec Rob Whynot, Randy Knott, Ron Gervais



• Faites parvenir votre commande par courriel en remplissant le BON DE COMMANDE

• Une confirmation vous sera envoyée par courriel, avec un choix de modes de paiement.

• Votre copie du cédérom vous sera envoyée par la poste sur réception du paiement.

Disponible en version anglaise,
Macintosh ™ et Windows™

Inidus : 30 $
Institutions : 60 $


David Clark is a media artist and filmmaker who lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Born in Calgary, Alberta, he received a BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in 1985 and a MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1989. He also attended the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program in 1989 - 1990.

His video and film work has won awards at the Tokyo International Video Festival, The Chicago International Film Festival, the Atlantic Film Festival and the FILE2002 Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil. His work has been screened at film, new media, and video festivals and museums around the world including Impakt, Viper, The European Media Arts Festival, Images, Split Film Festival, Dallas Video Festival, Montreal Festival of New Cinema and New Media, Montbeliard, Local Heros, and the Pacific Film Archives. His work has also screened on Canadian Television on Bravo! and The Space Channel.

His work has been included in the major touring surveys Young Contemporaries ‘97 and Flaming Creatures as well as in ‘Conjurer in the Machine’: a survey of international experimental film, video, and new media, Nelson Atkins Museum, Kansas.

He has received numerous awards and grants including the first MTT/Nova Scotia Arts Council New Media Prize (2001). He currently teaches Film and New Media at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax.

Previous work

2002     The Difficulty of Being Gilbert (Short Digital Video)
2000     Chemical Vision (Installation)
2000     My Heart the Bureaucrat(with Nelson Henricks)
1999     The Chance Encounter (Installation/CD-ROM)
1998     Maxwell's Demon(Feature Film)
1997     The Bones of Napier (Installation/CD-ROM)
1997     Albert's Diner (Short Film)

1997     GaGe (CD-ROM)

1995     Breeze (Rock Video for Rebecca West)

1992     Broken Crowns(49 min. Videotape)
1991     The ILL ID and the ODD SEA (19 min. Videotape)
1987     Rumblesphinx (13 min. Videotape)

Synopsis (version anglaise)

A is for Apple is an interactive work that investigates a cryptography of the apple. Using an ever expanding series of associative links, the work looks for hidden meanings, coincidences and insights that stem from the apple. This leads to a vast web of references from western metaphysics, popular culture, the history of cryptography, ideas of language, and psychoanalytic theory.

The work was constructed using the paradigm of collage. Paper collages were used as seeds for photoshop images, and then, in collaboration with flash animators Rob Whynot, Randy Knott, and Ron Gervais, animated and interactive pages were made. The installation portion of the exhibition includes a large map of the project, 14 of the original collage drawings and 14 photoshop images. The web site Aisforapple.net has been online since March 15, 2002.


A is for Apple has been or will be screened at the followed venues:

Dalhousie Art Gallery, Halifax, Canada, March 2002
Seoul Net Festival
, Seoul, Korea, July 2002 <FINALIST>
File2002 Festival, Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 2002 <FIRST PRIZE>
Split 2002 Festival of New Film, Split, Croatia, September 2002
Montreal Festival of New Cinema and New Media, October 2002
International Festival of New Media, Brodenell, PEI, October 2002
Hexa Web Net Project, Media_City Seoul, 2nd Biennial of Media Art, Korea
Pixxelpoint, Nova Gorica, Slovenia. November 2002
Fluxus: International Film Festival at Internet
, Brazil, November 2002

Encodings Exhibition; Transparent Technologies Symposium, Connecticut College, New London, USA, February 2003

© Dalhousie Art Gallery 2002
(click for bigger A is for Apple map)

INFORMATION : www.AgenceTOPO.qc.ca
T (514) 279-8676 –