EXPOSICIONES 2005 - Tout près / So close, Maison de la culture Mont-Royal, Montréal 2005 - Tout près / So close, TRAFIC -Inter / nationale d'art actuel en Abitib-Témiscamingue, L'Écart, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec 2002 - Joliet, afiches fotógraficos y otros artefactos en vitrinas interiores, Moser Fine Arts Center Gallery, University of St-Francis, Joliet, Illinois (U.S.A.) 2002 - Les Ateliers s'exposent, Maison de la culture Mont-Royal, Montréal 2001 - Tour de Villeneuve, intervenciones fotógraficas en quatorce comercios y espacios exteriores del barrio Villeneuve, Montreal, Québec (Canada). El proyecto a sido adaptado para la web por la Agencia TOPO : ver el sitio web Vilanova 1997 - Parties intimes / Private parts, afiches fotógraficos en la calle, Mois de la photo à Montréal / Fotofeis, Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland (UK). 1995 Dans la rue / In the Streets, afiches fotógraficos en la calle, Mois de la photo à Montréal. 1995 koumène. Exposición bajo el tema del territorio, Maison de la culture Frontenac, Montréal / Centre d'art Rotary, La Sarre, Québec. PROYECTOS Notas en inglés Joliet (2002) Exposición de grupo  Villeneuve Tour (2001) Intervenciones fotógraficas in situ  From September 6th to 30th, 2001, as part of Mois de la Photo à Montréal, the Fovea Photography Collective presents a number of artists interventions in the Villeneuve neighborhood, where Plateau Mont-Royal and Mile-End meet. For this occasion, thirteen photo-based artists have used small businesses and exterior spaces to show images, objects and photographic installations. These urban locations are as varied as a boutique for large sized womens clothing, a bicycle repair shop and an antique store. On the Fridays of September 14th and 28th, the neighborhood will be alive with the sounds of street hucksters as they give a guided tour of the artwork and businesses. With this public art project, Fovea is interested in amending the function of the photographic image by listening to the environment in which the image is placed. The project is accompanied by a publication, distributed door to door in the neighborhood, and at the event sites of Mois de la photo à Montréal. In 2002, Agence TOPO produced a web version from the project : VILANOVA Parties intimes / Private parts (1997) Afiches fotogáficos Impresiones Diazo (blue prints)  A project that was conceived specifically for the international photo festival in Scotland, Fotofeis, whose theme that year was Sex. The photographic posters, simultaneously displayed on the streets of Montreal, Edinburgh and Glasgow, propose a meeting between the private and the public by displaying, in the street, the intimate universe of sexuality. The posters replace the collective imagery of sexual expression by outlining the already weighted clichés of this theme, and present another critical and non-explicit vision. Dans la rue / In the Streets (1995) Afiches fotogáficos Impresiones Diazo (blue prints)  Les oeuvres photographiques se présentent ici comme des anti-affiches qui n'annoncent rien, ne vendent rien, et dont le message porte plutôt une ambiguïté. Les images, placardées côte à côte sur les murs de Montréal, produisent un effet d'accumulation qui agit en écho à celui de la prolifération des images publicitaires dans la ville. Le travail propose une réflexion sur les modes de présentation, de diffusion et de réception de la photographie. koumène (1995) Exposición de grupo  | Territory and its concept as viewed by ten photographers from the collective: Spaces of the child, of intimacy, of ritual, small or long travels, real or imagined. The individual visions bring together and support the exploration of multiple facets of a shifting reality. Though different visions, both critical and subjective, koumène is above all the intention to create dialogue with and about space and environments. |  |