Lucie Duval and Joseph Lefèvre
with the collaboration of Stanley Péan

In a modest snack-bar of the Center-South part of Montreal, a small local boss and a tantalizing waitress play to cat and mouse. But the rituals of seduction are never innocents nor harmless as the characters of this short story will learn. The misunderstanding (méprise) focuses on our vision and questions with humour our relation to reality and our perception of things. As in all situations, all visual works, all texts, there is always more that what we see on a first sight. The different pieces of the story are related by hyperlinks coupled to key-words and can be read in a random order. But as all the paths go to Rome, all these different combinations will arrive to the same conclusion, presented as a question mark ...

Lucie Duval lives and works in Montreal. The dichotomy between SEEN and READ is in a certain way the «raw material» of her artistic process. Her last productions have staged the interaction word(s)/objects or word(s)/photo. In October 1997, in the context of the exhibition «De fougue et de passion» presented at the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, she produced a fiction built around three famous women of the Louvre : The Venus, the Mona Lisa and the Victory. At the CIRCA gallery, during Le mois de la photo 1997, she presented a photonovel titled «Instants ratés» where two stories were coupled, one written in Braille.

Joseph Lefèvre has completed two Master Degrees, one in Visual Arts and the other in Communications and he works in the field of Media Arts since 1984. He is currently the webmaster at the Technological Arts Society and hosts various seminars on multimedia at the University of Quebec in Montreal. As an artist, he has relaized various multimedia installations and has participated to the elaboration of numerous media art projects. He currently works on a hypermedia installation titled L'Espace du chamane and conceived as a staging of a sacred space to be discovered.

Born in Port-au-Prince (Haiti) and grown in Jonquière (Québec), Stanley Péan writes for the television, is a literature critic for various wirtten and electronic medias, is the literary editor of Stop, an electronic magazine of short stories and is member of the direction committe of the CIDIHCA publications. He has published more than sixty short stories in various literary magazines, quebecois, american and european. He has also published twelve novels and collections of short stories, in general and youth literature, which more recent ones are titled Le temps s'enfuit (La courte échelle) et Noirs désirs (Leméac).