Anta Germaine Gaye
Painter, Designer and
Born in 1953
Project : [TALIBES]
A graduate of the Ecole normale superieure d'education artistique, Gaye's
artistic practice
encompasses painting on and under glass, metal sculpture, and ceramics.
Her work combines
enamels, recycled iron and mixed techniques. She currently leads a workshop
on "Iron and Glass"
and teaches art education at a Dakar college.
- 1998 - Le Pont (metal sculpture), Institut Goethe, Saint-Louis
- 1996 - Finalist for the Prix du President de la Republique pour les Arts, Dakar
- 1995 - Signes Plus ( Helsen), Maison de la Culture de Saint Gervais, Geneva
- 1991 - Salon d'automne, Grand-Palais, Paris
- 1990 - Festa de l'Unita, Pian di Massiano, [Perouse] Italy
- 1987 - Art contre Apartheid, Musee Dynamique, Dakar
- 1985 - Rencontre americano-senegalaise, Galerie nationale d'art, Dakar
- 1983 - Cosaan (tradition) Theatre national Daniel Sorano, Dakar